Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday

Well I am Catholic so today starts the great journey to the Easter Season.  We only have 40 days until Jesus saved us people - it is time to prepare ourselves.  I went to Mass today - it was a lot different than the SLU mass or even my parish mass - there was no singing and it seemed very rushed - I wasn't the biggest fan.  There is not a church on campus like at SLU so we had mass in a classroom.  I mean it was better than nothing.  Something that I really liked about the mass was it was in English and in Spanish - I really like how they tried to bring the two together.  Another part of the mass I really enjoyed was the homily.  The priest talked about how people always give up chocolate or chips or try to exercise and he suggested that we should do something different.  Maybe volunteer or give money to an organization or talk to a neighbor that you haven't talked to in a while - basically do something you normally wouldn't do it lent - I really like this idea and I hope people take it to heart.  It is hard to find something that you believe you will be able to accomplish yet still be a little bit of a struggle to remember the true meaning of lent.  I think that people have taken the real meaning of lent and turned it into something Jesus and the Catholic faith did not intend it to be - I am included in this.  It is hard to remember the true meaning of lent instead of just going through the motions of giving a couple things up and not eating meat on Fridays - I want to make an effort this lent to make it something more.  I know this is going to be a challenge for me especially with studying abroad, but I am going to make an honest effort to remember lent instead of going through the emotions.  This might be a little selfish, but I need to take some time for myself this lenten season - I want to focus on staying positive! I don't want the little things to get to me and not plan as much! I need to relax and just enjoy the time I have left here in Madrid. :)

Tonight I got the random chance to skype with Steph Hagan tonight :) I miss that girl so much! We were roommates last semester - we had some rough patches as roommates but she is truly one of my best friends and I am very sad that she had to transfer to Madison.  She was always there for me whenever I needed anything and I know she will always be there for me.  She has a heart of gold and some of the best morals ever.  We had so many great talks last semester when we both didn't want to do our homework or study for an exam.  Also, we had some great laughing attacks as well - APO family event - she will know what I am talking about! I love you Steph and miss you bunches!!

Well I think that is all for tonight! I have to get some homework done I believe.  Mom and Dad come next Thursday and Dad's birthday is next Friday!! Nothing too excited happened today - just church.  Sorry that my day's haven't been that interesting lately!  I leave for the retreat on Friday morning and will return Sunday night.  Megan McNichols is coming to Madrid on Sunday! I am really excited to see her - she is a friend from SLU - hopefully we will get a chance to hang out! Oh, my camera was not fixed by the rice... bummer. But good thing Mom is bringing a new one :)  I can't wait to see you guys!

Paz y Amor. God Bless.

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