Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Just a few quick things tonight.

1. Mom and Dad sent me two cards in the mail - I received them yesterday.  One contained 30 euros!! Score! The other contained some left over euro coins they had - Dad said it was for sangria - thanks buddy.

Excited to get mail :)

2. I just have to make a reference list for my ethics paper! Thanks to all those who edited it for me :)

3. Good luck to all those who have the Orgo test tomorrow - especially Kelsey and Scott!! Love you both - dominated that test.  Tell yourself you will be writing the answer key for your teacher! ;)

4. I got to skype with Katie Keyser and Steph Hagan today! Thank you to both of you!! I can not wait to see you again! I love both of you.

5. I also got to chat with the mom for a little bit.  Found out some sad news - Grandma is back in the hospital.  She has internal bleeding, but they don't know where.  If everyone could please pray for her that would be great.  I finished my book last night and the final chapters talked about the power of pray - I firmly believe that pray has the power to change lives so please for my Grandma send some prayers her way.

6. I had fresh lemonade to drink for dinner and mango for dessert.  Great meal.

7. I am starting a new book - The Happiness Project.  It is about a women who takes a year to find happiness - not really sure what it all entails.  I will be sure to keep you guys updated as I continue to read it.

8. The weather has been wonderful lately.  About 75 and sunny everyday.  Today I let the top half of my body stay out of the sun and tried to even out the tanness of my body by just putting my legs in the sun.

9. At this time in three days I will be chilling in ROME!! No big deal right?! So excited

10. I come home in less than a month now - get excited!

11. True friends are hard to come by so once you find them hold on tight.

12. To conclude for the night I would like you leave your with some pictures of my face - sometimes I get bored.  I have a tendency to post pictures on people's walls on Facebook - so I thought I would give all my readers the privilege to see my face!!

Peace out cub scout!!

Paz y Amor. God Bless.